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The Stamets Stack: Optimize Your Microdosing Protocol

Explore the Stamets Stack: a microdosing protocol combining psilocybin, Lion’s Mane, and Niacin, for cognitive enhancement and mental wellness.



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Microdosing is everywhere these days, ranging from substances like LSD to MDMA, and even DMT. Yet, the most popular psychedelic substance making its way into microdosing programs is psilocybin mushrooms. 

Some people are taking small doses daily or every other day as they experiment with the protocol that makes the most sense for their lives. But what is the best way to optimize your results? While everyone’s chemistry and experience with microdosing is different, we’ve found that one method holds some weight in terms of reliability. 

And who better to glean wisdom from than esteemed mycologist Paul Stamets? His regimen—The Stamets Stack—is straightforward and simple yet holds the potential to offer long-lasting results. 

Paul Stamets Profile: Mushroom Guru, Filmmaker, Nutritionist, Scientist

Who Is Paul Stamets?

Paul Stamets, a luminary in the world of mycology, has significantly shaped our understanding of fungi with his pioneering work. Born in 1955, his journey from a curious mushroom enthusiast to a globally recognized mycologist is marked by groundbreaking discoveries and a profound commitment to ecological and health advancements through fungi.

Educated in biology at Evergreen State College, Washington State, Stamets’ contributions extend well beyond academia. He is the author of influential works like Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World, blending his deep scientific knowledge with a passion for environmental and medicinal applications of mushrooms.

Stamets’ advocacy for the therapeutic use of medicinal mushrooms spans a range of health issues, including cancer and mental health disorders. His company, Fungi Perfecti, in Washington, is a hub for innovative mushroom cultivation and research.

Recipient of numerous accolades, including the National Geographic Adventure Magazine’s “Green-O-Vator” award, Stamets’ influence transcends mycology, positioning him as a visionary bridging science and spirituality. Through his work, he inspires a deeper connection with nature, highlighting the untapped potential of fungi in transforming health and ecology.

Most recently, Stamets was honored with a new species of magic mushroom, dubbed the Psilocbye stametsii.

What Is a Stamets Stack?

The Stamets Stack, named after Paul Stamets himself, is an innovative combination of psilocybin mushrooms, Lion’s Mane mushroom, and niacin. This triad is believed to work in harmony, potentially enhancing cognitive functions and promoting mental health. 

The stack’s foundation lies in the belief that these natural substances, when combined, can offer more than their individual benefits—a synergy that could unlock new paths in cognitive therapy and personal development.

Psilocybin Mushrooms

Central to the Stamets Stack are psilocybin mushrooms, known for their psychedelic properties. Any variety of psilocybin-containing mushrooms, such as Psilocybe cubensis or Psilocybe semilanceata, can be incorporated into the stack. 

These mushrooms are revered not just for their psychoactive effects, but also for their potential to enhance neural connectivity and plasticity, opening doors to heightened creativity, reduced depressive symptoms, and a profound sense of interconnectedness with the world.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

The Lion’s Mane mushroom, a staple in traditional Chinese medicine, is celebrated for its cognitive-enhancing properties. Rich in compounds like erinacines and hericenones, Lion’s Mane is believed to stimulate the growth of brain cells and improve overall cognitive function. 

Its inclusion in the Stamets Stack is strategic, complementing psilocybin’s effects by potentially bolstering neurogenesis and offering neuroprotective benefits.


Niacin, or Vitamin B3, plays a crucial role in the Stamets Stack. This essential nutrient is known for its myriad health benefits, including supporting cardiovascular health and boosting brain function. 

In the context of the Stamets Stack, Niacin is believed to potentiate the effects of psilocybin and Lion’s Mane by causing a ‘flush,’ increasing blood flow to the brain and thereby enhancing the bioavailability and effectiveness of the other two components.

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Scheduling and Dosage for Stamets Stack

The efficacy of the Stamets Stack hinges on its meticulously crafted schedule and dosage. This regimen is more than just combining ingredients; it’s about timing and proportion, ensuring each element works harmoniously for optimal impact. Let’s break down the specifics.

Dosage Breakdown

  • Psilocybin Mushrooms: The recommended microdose is between 100mg and 200mg, equivalent to approximately 0.1 to 0.3 grams of dried mushrooms. This dose is small enough to be sub-perceptual, avoiding the full-blown psychoactive effects.
  • Lion’s Mane Mushroom: The suggested amount is 50 to 100mg, selected for its potential to enhance neural growth and cognitive functions.
  • Niacin: A dose of 100 to 200mg is used primarily to facilitate the delivery of the other components to the nervous system.

The Microdosing Schedule

Understanding the schedule is key to unlocking the potential benefits of the Stamets Stack. The regimen follows a systematic approach.

  • Days 1 to 4: Active Dosing Phase
    • On each of these days, take the prescribed doses of psilocybin, Lion’s Mane, and Niacin together. This phase is designed to actively integrate the stack’s components into your system.
  • Days 5 to 7: Rest and Integration
    • These days are your rest period. No components of the stack are taken. This break allows your body and mind to assimilate the effects, reducing the risk of tolerance build-up.
  • Repeat:
    • This 4-day on, 3-day off cycle is typically repeated for four to six weeks, after which a longer break of two to six weeks is suggested.

Customization and Caution

It’s imperative to note that individual responses to the Stamets Stack can vary. Users may need to adjust the dosages or the schedule to suit their personal needs and responses better. As with any regimen involving psychoactive substances, legal and health considerations are paramount. Consultation with healthcare professionals is strongly advised, especially for those taking other medications or with pre-existing health conditions.

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Supporting Research on Microdosing the Stamets Stack

Research into microdosing psilocybin points to positive implications, particularly in cognitive and psychological realms. Early studies suggest improvements in creativity, mood enhancement, and increased focus, alongside the therapeutic potential for mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. 

While direct research on the Stamets Stack is limited, studies on its individual elements provide essential insights. Lion’s Mane mushroom, known for its neurotrophic properties, has been shown to stimulate nerve growth, potentially improving cognitive functions. Niacin, integral to the Stack for its ‘flush’ effect, is recognized for its cardiovascular benefits and potential role in enhancing the delivery of other components to the brain.

The hypothesis behind the Stamets Stack is the synergistic amplification of each component’s benefits. While concrete scientific evidence specific to this synergy is scarce, the premise is supported by foundational research on individual substances and anecdotal experiences.

Though promising, the current body of research highlights the need for more rigorous studies to conclusively affirm the efficacy and safety of microdosing psilocybin and the Stamets Stack. As interest in these areas grows, forthcoming research is expected to provide deeper insights, potentially unlocking new therapeutic and cognitive enhancement pathways.

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