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What Happens if My Dog Eats Magic Mushrooms?

A question no pet owner ever wants to ask: what happens is my dog eats magic mushrooms? Find out here.



Magic mushrooms, known for their hallucinogenic effects in humans, pose a significant risk to our canine companions. We’re pretty sure that no one out there is feeding psilocybin to their dogs on purpose, but accidents happen. A curious pup might find a stash and decide to have a nibble. So, what happens when a dog eats magic mushrooms?

As we know from our shroom dosage guide, it doesn’t take much to produce psychedelic effects. Understanding these risks is crucial for pet owners to ensure the safety and well-being of their furry friends.

Understanding Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms are a group of fungi that are known for their psychoactive properties, primarily due to the presence of psilocybin. Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound that is responsible for the hallucinogenic effects these mushrooms are known for. 

When ingested, psilocybin is converted into psilocin, the active compound that affects the brain.

The effects of psilocybin on humans can vary significantly based on the dosage, individual physiology, and even the environment in which the mushrooms are consumed. 

Typically, the effects begin within 20 to 40 minutes of ingestion and can last up to six hours. The most notable effects include:

  • Altered Perception: Users often experience a distortion in their perception of time, space, and reality. Colors may seem brighter, patterns may appear to move, and time may seem to slow down.
  • Emotional Changes: Psilocybin can induce a range of emotional states, from euphoria and a sense of connectedness to anxiety and disorientation. Some users report profound spiritual or mystical experiences.
  • Cognitive Effects: Thinking patterns often become less linear or logical under the influence of psilocybin. Users may have introspective thoughts, insights, or even confusing and illogical ideas.
  • Physical Sensations: Common physical effects include changes in heart rate and blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, and muscle relaxation or weakness.

It’s important to note that while psilocybin is used in some therapeutic settings under controlled conditions to treat conditions like depression or anxiety, its uncontrolled use can lead to unpredictable and potentially dangerous psychological effects. In the context of pets, particularly dogs, the ingestion of magic mushrooms can be significantly more hazardous. 

Dogs and Mushrooms: A Risky Combination

Dogs are naturally curious and may ingest wild mushrooms, including magic mushrooms, which can be toxic or even lethal. Dogs do not process psychoactive substances in the same way humans do, and the ingestion of these mushrooms can lead to severe poisoning and health complications. 

As dogs are smaller and have different metabolisms, even a small amount of a magic mushroom can be extremely dangerous, leading to symptoms that are far more severe than those experienced by humans.

Immediate Effects on Dogs

When a dog consumes magic mushrooms, the effects can manifest quite quickly, depending on the size of the dog, the amount of mushrooms ingested, and the potency of the mushrooms. The immediate symptoms are a direct consequence of psilocybin’s impact on the dog’s neurological and physiological systems. 

These symptoms can include:

  • Gastrointestinal Distress: This is often the first sign and can include vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive salivation. These symptoms occur as the dog’s body attempts to expel the toxic substance.
  • Neurological Symptoms: Dogs may exhibit a range of neurological signs such as uncoordinated movements, disorientation, hyperactivity, or lethargy. Seizures are also a possibility in severe cases.
  • Behavioral Changes: Dogs might appear anxious, agitated, or scared. They may react to stimuli that are not present, indicating hallucinations, a direct effect of psilocybin.
  • Altered Heart Rate and Breathing: Changes in heart rate, either an increase or decrease, and difficulty breathing can occur.
  • Temperature Regulation Issues: Some dogs may experience either a spike or drop in body temperature.

If you observe any of these symptoms in your dog (even if you are unsure that mushrooms are a contributing factor), you should take your pet to an animal veterinarian immediately.

Long-Term Effects of Magic Mushroom Ingestion in Dogs

While some dogs may recover with prompt and appropriate treatment, ingestion of magic mushrooms can sometimes lead to long-term health issues, especially if the treatment is delayed or if the dog has consumed a large quantity. 

These long-term effects can include:

  • Liver Damage: The toxins in magic mushrooms can cause liver damage, which might not be immediately apparent but can lead to long-term health complications.
  • Neurological Damage: Depending on the severity of the initial reaction and the amount of psilocybin ingested, dogs can suffer from lasting neurological issues. This could manifest as chronic seizures, behavioral changes, or cognitive dysfunction.
  • Psychological Trauma: If the dog experiences particularly severe hallucinations or distress, it could lead to long-term anxiety or behavioral changes.
  • Kidney Damage: In some cases, the toxins can also affect the kidneys, leading to impaired kidney function.

It’s critical for dog owners to understand these risks and to seek immediate veterinary care if they suspect their dog has ingested magic mushrooms. Early intervention can mitigate some of the more severe immediate and long-term effects.

 Additionally, preventive measures, such as keeping dogs away from areas where wild mushrooms grow and training them not to eat unknown substances, are key to ensuring their safety.

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What to Do If Your Dog Eats Magic Mushrooms

If you discover that your dog has ingested magic mushrooms, the first and most important step is to remain calm. This will help you to think clearly and take the necessary actions effectively. Plus, it will also help your dog remain calm and not pick up on your nervous energy. 

Begin by removing any remaining pieces of the mushroom from your dog’s immediate area to prevent further ingestion. If it’s safe and possible, try to collect a sample of the mushroom, as this can be extremely helpful for your veterinarian to identify the type and determine the right course of action. 

It’s crucial not to induce vomiting in your dog unless specifically instructed by a veterinarian, as this can sometimes worsen the situation. 

Seek Immediate Help

The next step is to promptly contact your veterinarian or an emergency pet hospital. Provide them with as much information as possible, including the type of mushroom (if known), the amount ingested, and any symptoms your dog is exhibiting. Follow any advice given by the veterinarian. They may ask you to bring your dog in for a check-up, or they might give you specific instructions to care for your dog at home.

When observing your dog, pay close attention to their behavior and physical condition, noting any changes or symptoms, and report these to the vet during consultation. If you need to transport your dog to a veterinary clinic, make sure they are comfortable and safely restrained in your vehicle.

At the vet clinic, provide all relevant information to the veterinarian. The treatment might involve administering activated charcoal to absorb the toxins, inducing vomiting, giving IV fluids, or other medications. It’s important to follow the vet’s treatment plan and administer any prescribed medications as instructed.

After the immediate crisis is handled, continue to watch your dog for several days for any delayed symptoms or complications.

Take Preventative Action

To prevent future incidents, take proactive measures such as removing mushrooms from areas your dog frequents, supervising your pet closely while outdoors, and training them not to eat unknown substances. 

If you keep psychedelic mushrooms at home, be sure to store them securely. Store them in a sealed, airtight container and ensure that they are securely stashed away so that your dog couldn’t access them if they tried. 

Shrooms are for people, not for dogs! Take the preventative measures needed to keep your furry friend safe.

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